Monday, August 23, 2010

I'm back.

well yea,
thanks to the Chinese illiterate computer in my Uni's computer labs,
i've got to blog in English.
well it's true, this is One Malaysia ma.
everyone gotta use the same language, even it's ONLY your usage on school computers.

well, i could conduct easy conversation and compose simple statements in English,
i don't do it, doesn't mean i don't know,
just i don't feel the mood.

well nothing much for this blog post.
it's just an announcement whereby,

i've disappeared myself from FACEBOOK for like, few days i suppose?
due to the high rate browsing on my profile and splendid attraction i'm having on the particular facebook page,
i'm hereby to announce that,
i'm back in action on facebook.

sorry for the MIA in such a sudden,
due to some unforseen circumstances. NO WHY, k.

well anyway,
i'm here to clarify that,
i've BLOCKED NOONE from my page.

thanks for reading,
and selamat buka puasa for the muslims.

Amen - Inshya Allah - Amitabha.

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Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia