hahaha..took me so long time to finish this tag huh.
Question: What is your name? (Please give one answer)
1. Ng Yu Yuan, Ivan
Question: What is your nickname? (Please give three answers)
1. Ah Yuan
2. Ah Yu
3. Fishball (Got this since i entered Uni)
Question: Three books which you often read? (Please give three answers)
1. Comics - One Piece
2. Comics - Bleach
3. Readers' Digest
Question: The things gained from Blogging? (Please give four answers)
1. 拥有仅有接触华语的机会,再不写就生锈了。
2. 知道喜欢Blogging的朋友们生活上的点点滴滴,所以有Blog不update的人都应该拿去枪毙
3. 没有地方发泄,用文字宣泄自己的情绪最和平,又实际。
4. 我写,故我在。
Question: Your favorite food? (Please give five answers)
1. 薯条
2. 雪糕
3. 巧克力
4. 妈妈煮的猪肉煎蛋
5. 姑姑煮的猪扒(绝对拍得住酒楼的水准)
Question: Favorite songs? (Please give six answers)
1. 周杰伦
2. 王力宏
3. 林俊杰
4. 曹格
5. David Archuleta
6. etc etc lar..i'm a music freako
Question: Places that you wish to go? (Please give seven answers)
1. 日本 - Hokkaido for the SEAFOOD~
2. 台湾 - 西门町啦~小食当道
3. 非洲 - 向参加无国界义工团
4. 英国莱斯特省 @ Leicester - 去找我这辈子最要好的朋友
5. 加拿大
6. 韩国~ 好想再去一次!
7. 凡是有冬天的国家,尤其是逢冬必雪的,我一定要去
Question: All-time favorite movies, dramas, or animes? (Please give eight answers)
1. So far, legendary 《One Piece》 is still the best of the best, but seems like DRAGGING again.
2. Used to love 《Bleach》very much, but the mode of the storyline bored me to death.
3. 《The Law Of Ueki》
4. 《Naruto》
5. 《Soul Eater》
6. 《Code Geass》
7. 《One Piece》
8. 《溏心风暴2之家好月圆》
Question: Items that you wish to obtain? (Please give nine answers)
1. Unlimited supply of 巧克力 and 雪糕~ (considered as 1 thing only bwahaha)
2. 永远的课业好成绩。
3. 一辆汽车,有得代步就好。
4. 环游世界的免费机票。
5. 钱..钱..钱。
6. 我想它多快就多快的Internet Connection Speed。
7. 瘦下来的身材 ~ is it an ITEM?
8. 听不完的好歌~看不完的漫画
Question: You want to pass this tag to? (Please give the names of 10 friends)
1. Mei Hui
2. Herng
3. Ivy Har
4. 橙汁
5. Christina Chan
6. Samuel Choo
7. Pei Sun
8. Kar Yian
9. Rebecca
10. Damn the bloody hell Chong Wui, he said he's lazy to bother..WTF